Are Reed Diffusers Safe for Cats & Dogs?

Are reed diffusers safe for cats and dogs?
[2 min read]
Reed diffusers are a great way to fragrance your home. We call it 'passive scenting' because they're great in areas where you aren't able to keep an eye on them. For example, candles and wax melts need supervision due to the flame (or other heat source involved) whereas reed diffusers do not.
In this short article, we will attempt to provide a bit of guidance on whether reed diffusers are safe for cats and dogs.
There are a couple of considerations and assumptions we are going to make. There will be exceptions, and only you will know if your pet is an exception.
Assumption 1: You are using the product correctly, a few examples of this: on a level surface, out of reach of children and pets*. Somewhere that it wont be easily knocked off.
Assumption 2: *Dogs and cats make the term "out of reach" mean totally different things. A dog (remember we said there are exceptions) will most likely not be able to reach up high, whereas a cat would love the challenge!

So, where does this leave us?
If you have a cat - you might want to only have reed diffusers in rooms with doors that can be kept shut, or on a shelf where you are confident the cat can't (or won't) jump on. Only you will know this.
If you have a dog, follow the same logic, although your room choice may not be restricted depending on your home (out of reach is the key here).
The common sense approach
Fragrances are all regulated under CLP and IFRA guidance, CLP refers to labelling, and IFRA refers to the safe usage limits for certain chemicals within a fragrance (chemical isnt supposed to be a word to scare people, it's just the correct word to use. d-Limonene for example is found in a lot of citrus fragrances, including essential oils.
The problem is - the regulation was developed for humans. Plain and simply, it was not developed for pets. Let's talk about a common sense approach. After you've cleaned your bathroom, you can smell the freshness when you walk up the stairs. That means that fragrance molecules are floating around in the air. It's the same if you put on deodorant, or perfume, or toilet bleach... or fabric conditioner. If you can smell it, its because molecules are floating around in the air.
Now that we know that, chances are, your cat, or your dog has most likely been smelling fragrances put in the air by you or others, most of their lives.
CLP labelling guidance was put in place to provide information on allergens and other hazards to customers or end users. All home fragrance companies need to adhere to the rules.

So what do we suggest?
Check the product listing for allergen information, if you are aware of a particular allergy that you suffer, of your pet suffers, avoid that product. Otherwise, purchase and enjoy. Keep an eye on your cat or dog, or any other pet. if you notice signs of allergic reaction, stop using the product. Or if you are completely adverse to any risk, avoid scented products all together. But remember what we said above - Scented products are everywhere!
So it's a common sense approach and a judgement call.
If you are interested, we manufacture reed diffusers ourselves, right here in the UK. Melinda & Molly are keenly making away in our small warwickshire factory.
Have a lovely day, and if you are reading this you are on Fosse Living's website, we are glad you're here :)
Amy & Liam (founders) x